Tuesday, 4 August 2015

coral reefs in India.

coral reefs in India.
The major reef formations in India are restricted to the Gulf of Mannar, Palk bay, Gulf of Kutch, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Lakshadweep islands. While the Lakshadweep reefs are atolls, the others are all fringing reefs. Patchy coral is present in the inter-tidal areas of the central west coast of the country. Coral reefs in India are being damaged and destroyed at an increasing rate. They face serious problems of stress from anthropogenic pressures and interference. However we cannot be precise about how much and where, because of special difficulties of monitoring underwater. The Reef condition is generally poor and declining in near shore waters and areas of high population density. Relatively pristine reefs are located around uninhabited islands or barrier type reefs located away from population centers. Sedimentation, dredging and coral mining are damaging near shore reefs, while the use of explosives and bottom nets in fishing are damaging offshore reefs in specific sites. Although institutions and laws are sufficient in theory to manage and protect the reefs in India, authorities in the field have taken little effective action in implementing these laws. .
conditions for coral reef :(note ideal conditions)
1. salinity : 27-30 ppt; moderate
2. sea surface temperature : 20-22 degree celcius
3. sunlight : grows in photic zone but avoid direct exposure to sunlight and dark waters.
4. depth : upto 250feet
5. platforms : structure such as continental shelf;coastline;seamount;ridges;etc since coral can not swim and float/drift. they need support to grow.
6. nutrients : currents ;areas rich in planktons.;etc
coral bleaching : coral reef has pigmentation or colours due to symbiotic asspciation of corals with zoothanthalene(protozoa) .that is very sensitive organism more than corals under stress conditions such as: causes
changes in sea temperature;salinity changes ;pollution;exposure to sunlight or infection/pest/diseases/low tides;etc leading to expulsion of zoothanlene that leads to dipigmentation or whitening of coral reefs called as coral bleaching.

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