Sunday 26 July 2015

Dear friends.Some more questions on Ancient Indian History.Best Wishes(DAY-10)

1. Who adopted the title of “King of Kings”?

(a) Kushans   (b) Shakas
(c) Pratiharas (d) Mauryas

2. Which of the following is considered as an IndoAryan language?

A. Persian                  B. Germanic
C. Slav                       D. Sanskrit
E. Latin and Greek     F. English

Codes :
(a) only A and B      (b) only D and E
(c) All of the above  (d) Only A and F

3. Which one among the following was the first thing that primitive man learnt?

(a) To make a wheel       (b) To domesticate animal
(c) To lead a settled life  (d) To make a fire

4. Atom theory was propounded by :

(a) Yoga        (b) Mimamsa
(c) Samkhya  (d) Vaisheshika

5. Which of the following inscriptions is the earliest specimen of the Sanskrit prose of
the classical type?

(a) Bhagavat Gita                 (b) Nirukta of Yaksha
(c) Chandogaya Upanishad  (d) Rig Veda

6. Mahabalipuram was established by the

(a) Cholas   (b) Gangas
(c) Pallavas (d) Cheras

7. The Saka era was started by

(a) Ashoka     (b) Changra Gupta-II
(c) Kanishka  (d) Harsha

8. Who founded four matthas in the four corners of India?

(a) Shakaracharya     (b) Ramajujacharya
(c) Bhaskaryacharya (d) Madhavacharya

9. The paintings of Ajanta depict stories of the

(a) Ramayana (b) Mahabharata
(c) Jatakas      (d) Panchatantra

10. Pick out the earliest tax from the options given below.

(a) Bhaga or spoils of war
(b) Bali or voluntary offerings.
(c) Visthi or forced labour
(d) Kara or customary share of grain

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