Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Hello Friends Some more questions on Ancient Indian History.Best wishes(DAY-12)

1. The so called universities of Nalanda, Vikramasila, etc. were actually

(a) Buddhist monasteries
(b) Supreme Bench of Buddhist monasteries
(c) Learning centres of Buddhist monks
(d) Secular centres of education and learning

2. The Bhagavata doctrines is said to have been taught by Vasudeva to the sun, by the sun to Manu and by Manu to

(a) Yadavas    (b) Ikhvakus
(c) Kurus        (d) Purus

3. From which of the following Jainism derives its metaphysical thoughts

(a) Yoga Philosophy        (b) Vedanta Philosophy
(c) Samkhya Philosophy  (d) Vaisheshika

4. Consider List-I and List-II
        ListI                                          ListII
(i) Samharata                       (a) Chief collector of revenue at the centre
(ii) Sannidhata                     (b) Chief treasurer of the centre
(iii) Yukatas                         (c) Incharge of the revenue administration of a division
(iv) Rajukas                         (d) Subordinate officials doing clerical work at the district level
(v) Pradesikas                      (e) District officials doing surveying and assessing of land and
                                                   dispensing justice in rural areas

Which of the above are incorrectly matched? Choose the answer from the codes given below:
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i), (iii) and (v)
(d) (iii), (iv) and (v)

5. Arrange the following famous Ancient Indian astronomers and mathematicians in the Chronological order:
I. Aryabhatta II. Varahmihira
III. Brahmagupta IV. Bhaskara

(a) I, II, III, IV   (b) II, III, I, IV
(c) III, II, IV, I   (d) I, IV, III, II

6. St. Thomas arrived in NorthWestern India to propagate Christianity during the reign of which ruler?

(a) Gondophernes (b) Gautamiputra Satkarni
(c) Menander        (d) Maves

7. A Special feature of religion in the Gupta Age was the

(a) Worship of incarnations of Vishnu came in vogue
(b) Worship of incarnations of Siva become prominent.
(c) Cult of tantricism appeared
(d) None of the above

8. The Sakas and Kushanas used two trade routes from northwestern frontier to the western seacoast of India. Which of the following trading stations of these route was the most important?

(a) Mathura (b) Taxila
(c) Kausambi (d) Ujjain

9. Which of the following have the earliest reference to the partition of landed property?
(i) Brihaspati’s law book    (ii) Narada’s law book
(iii) Manu’s law book         (iv) Yajnavalkya’s law book

(a) (i) & (ii)            
(b) (iii) & (iv)
(c) (i) & (iii)
(d) (ii) & (iv)

10. Which one of the following is the major factor for the decline of silk trade with Western world?

(a) Byzantine people learnt the art of rearing silk worms from the Chinese through the Persians
(b) Byzantine people learnt the art of rearing silk worms directly from the chinese
(c) Indian went there and taught them the art of rearing silk worms
(d) Roman conflict with Parthians prevented trade on land route

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