Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Tara Oceans studies plankton at planetary scale

1.To study this invisible world, the multinational Tara Oceans consortium, with use of the 110foot
research schooner Tara, sampled microscopic plankton at 210 sites and depths up to 2000 m in all the major oceanic regions during expeditions from 2009 through 2013 .

2.Sampling, usually 60 hours per site, followed standardized protocols  to capture the morphological and genetic diversity of the entire plankton community from viruses to small zooplankton, covering a size range from 0.02 μm to a few millimeters, in context with physical and chemical information.

3.study mainly in photic zone organisms .some in aphotic also.

4. studied the dispersal of plankton as oceanic currents swirl around the southern tip of Africa, where the Agulhas rings are generated. Vertical mixing in the rings drives nitrogen cycling and selects for specific organisms.

5.Tara Oceans combined ecology, systems biology, and oceanography to study plankton in their
environmental context. The project has generated resources such as an ocean microbial reference gene catalog; a census of plankton diversity covering viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes; and methodologies to explore interactions between them and their integration with environmental conditions.

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