Friday, 11 September 2015

Indian scientists develop e-Nose to sniff out hazardous gases

Indian scientists developed a sensorbased ‘Electronic Nose’ for sniffing out variety of gases at pulp and paper mill industries.
The gases, emitted by these industries beyond certain concentration adversely affects human health and environment.
This e-nose can measure odour concentration and odour intensity and thereby can immediately alert workers in such industrial units for remedial action.
Currently it is being successfully used in couple of paper mills in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
These e-noses are developed by the Nagpur based National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) and the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC)
About e-Noses:
Electronic noses include three major parts: a sample delivery system, a detection system, a computing system.
The sample delivery system enables the generation of the volatile compounds of sample. The system then injects this sample into the detection system of the electronic nose. The detection system when in contact with volatile compounds changes its electrical properties.
Difference b/w human nose & e-nose:
Human nose can detect many odors at once. But e-nose needs different sensors for different odors.

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