Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Skill India campaign & Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

Skill India aims at encouraging the youth to take up vocational training to up their skills and increase chances of employability.
The mission has set a target to skill 24 lakh workers in 2015 and 40.2 crore workers by 2022.
It will be led by a governing council which will be chaired by the PM and include ministers for finance, skill development and entrepreneurship, human resource development, rural development, labour and employment, overseas affairs, information technology, deputy chairman of NITI Aayog and three chief ministers as members.
Govt also launched the new National Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Policy 2015, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana and a skill loan scheme to encourage more youth to take up vocational training.
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana:
54% of its population under 25 years of age with high aspirations on employment.
The objectives of this Scheme is to:
Encourage standardization in the certification process of skills.
Mobilize large number of Indian youth to take up skill training and become employable.
Increase productivity of the existing workforce.
Incentivizing them for skill trainings to encourage more youth.
Reward candidates undergoing skill training with monetary reward of Rs. 8,000 per candidate.
Benefit 24 lakh youth at an approximate total cost of Rs. 1,500 Crores.
Other initiatives to facilitate skill development:
It will use vacant railway stations and the railways’ optic fibre network for skill development of youth in remote areas.
Also govt is converting discarded railway containers into classrooms for training.
Jawans who are about to retire would be trained as skill instructors in the last year of service.

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